Time at Test   4 yrs 6 yrs
Sex Cases Acq Object Difference Food Difference Retention Object Difference Food Difference
Neo-C-1 226 21 28 53 26 26
Neo-C-2 180 23 18 0 18 24
Neo-C-3 221 19 30 98 39 29
Neo-C-4 301 22 23 93 17 30
  X 232 21.3 24.8 61 25 27.3
Neo-Aibo-1 179 22 18 146 11 8
Neo-Aibo-2 313 23 30 12 21 23
Neo-Aibo-3 120 2 27 94 14 26
Neo-Aibo-4 147 6 27 - - -
Neo-Aibo-5 262 5 25 9 24 30
Neo-Aibo-6 175 5 5 18 -2 17
  X 199.3 10.5 22 55.8 13.6 20.8
Scores are total number of errors made before criterion days for the acquisition (Acq) of the concurrent discrimination task at 4 years of age and retention of the task two years later (6 years). Object difference scores and food difference scores obtained in the devaluation probe sessions at the two ages tested. Neo-C: animals with neonatal sham-operations and Neo-Aibo: animals with neonatal amygdala lesions.
Table 2: Cognitive Scores.