Time of Test ~4 yrs ~4 yrs ~4 yrs ~6 yrs ~6 yrs ~6 yrs
Sex Cases Sat. Consump. Weight Sat. Consum. Weight
Neo-C-1 40 100 7.20 56 70 8.00
Neo-C-3 117 120 7.10 98 200 8.80
Neo-C-2 54 30 9.25 35 40 9.20
Neo-C-4 97 70 7.00 60 100 7.94
  X 77 80 7.64 62.25 102.5 8.49
Neo-Aibo-1 57 110 5.75 69 100 7.20
Neo-Aibo-2 59 90 5.95 38 70 7.80
Neo-Aibo-3 111 105 6.40 38 50 5.60
Neo-Aibo-4 78 40 6.70 - - -
Neo-Aibo-5 61 60 6.30 73 60 7.10
Neo-Aibo-6 153 105 8.40 50 95 10.90
  X 86.5 85 6.58 53.6 75 7.72
Scores are average time (min) taken for each animal to selectively satiate to the food rewards (Sat), average amount (g) of food eaten (consump.) during all selective satiation sessions, and average weight (Kg) of the animal at the time of the satiation sessions. Other abbreviations as in Table 2.
Table 3: Satiation Variables