Primary lung cancer group   Control group  
Total number   226   103  
Age (years)   69±9 (39-87)   62±15 (23-91) <0.0001*
Sex males 153   60 0.107**
  females 73   43  
Serum KL-6 level (U/ml)   375±232 (130-1676)   296±177 (133-1660) 0.003*
Histology adenocarcinoma 134      
  squamous cell carcinoma 53      
  adenosquamous carcinoma 9      
  large cell carcinoma 13      
  small cell carcinoma 10      
  pleomorphic carcinoma 5      
  unknown 2   Diseases of the control group
Tumour size     3.3±2.0 (0.4-11.4) cm benign mediastinal tumour 21
TNM T 1a 69 lung abscess 1
    1b 54 scar and old inflammation 31
    2a 57 tuberculosis 4
    2b 19 atypical mycobacteriosis 11
    3 22 mycotic infection 5
    4 5 benign pulmonary tumour 3
  N 0 168 sarcoidosis 7
    1 12 pleural infection 3
    2 36 myasthenia gravis 2
    3 10 COPD 5
  M 0 210 congenital lung disease 3
    1a 6 pneumothorax 2
    1b 10 chest trauma 1
Stage IA   103 benign chest wall tumour 1
  IB   34 benign pleural tumour 1
  IIA   21 benign tracheal tumour 1
  IIB   12 silicosis 1
  IIIA   28    
  IIIB   12    
  IV   16    
Values are mean ± SD (range) or number
* p values indicate the results of ANOVA; ** p values indicate the result of a chi-square test.
Table 1: Patient characteristics.