Spontaneously breathing (SB) On non-invasive ventilation (NIV) P-value†
Gender (M/F)  9/9 7/8  
Age (yr) 60 (51, 66) 64 (55, 69)  0.11
BMI 25.2 (21, 29) 27 (22, 32)  0.84
FVC, L (seated) 3.3 (2.7, 4.3) 3.4 (2.7, 4.2)  0.27
FVC, % predicted (seated) 70 (55, 96) 67 (27, 88)  0.18
ΔFVC(sit – sup), % 1.6 (0, 4.9) 22.7 (9, 29.3)  0.0002
FEF, L/s (seated) 5.8 (4.6, 7.5) 3.8 (1.9, 5.3)  0.025
FEF, % predicted (seated) 62 (46, 102) 54 (18, 83)  0.46
ΔFEF (sit – sup), % 10.3 (1.6, 16.7) 8.4 (-2.2, 31.8)  0.54
Pimax, cm H2O 67 (33, 84) (n = 8) 30 (12, 46) (n = 6)  0.008
Pimax, % predicted 78 (44, 96) 40 (29, 47)  0.08
Pemax, cm H2O 91 (43, 120) (n = 8) 62 (32, 104) (n = 6)  0.39
Pemax, % predicted 58 (26, 83) 34 (26, 53)  0.22
Abbreviations: FVC, forced vital capacity; FEF, forced expiratory flow; Pimax, maximal inspiratory mouth pressure; Pemax, maximal expiratory mouth pressure Values expressed as median (1st and 3rd quantiles).
n, numbers of subjects as shown unless otherwise stated.
†Differences by 2-tailed t-test.
Table 1: Anthropometric and physiologic data in patients breathing spontaneously and those started on non-invasive ventilation.