Control group COPD Patients group
Healthy non smoker (N=25) Healthy smokers (N=25) Stable COPD (N=56) Exacerbated COPD (N=45)
Gender (M/F) 13/12 20/5 29/27 24/21
Age 58 ± 7 59 ± 9 59 ± 8 62 ± 6
BMI 27 ± 3 27 ± 2 27 ± 4 26 ± 2
Smoking History 0      
Current 0 25 16 11
Ex-smoker 25 0 32 25
Non-smoker 103 ± 9.7 0 8 9
FEV1% of predicted 103 ± 10.6 98 ± 6.3 76.21 ± 10.96 38 ± 10.25
FVC% of predicted 97.45 ± 7.6 101 ± 8.4 98 ± 13.9 87 ± 21.1
DLCO % of predicted   96.23 ± 5.7 92.45 ± 15.85 73.67 ± 8.65
Table 1: Demographic data for the subjects included in this study.