Variables Non-OSAa (n=295) OSAb (n=25) P-Value*
T stage n (%)      
 T1 132 (56.41) 13 (54.17) 0.755
 T2 65 (27.78) 9 (37.50)  
 T3 31 (13.25) 2 (8.33)  
 T4 6 (2.56) 0 (0.00)  
N stage n (%)      
 N0 202 (86.32) 18 (75.00) 0.238
 N1 23 (9.83) 4 (16.67)  
 N2 9 (3.85) 2 (8.33)  
a61 subjects have no staging ; b1 subject has no staging.
* p-value from Fisher exact test
Table 5: Frequencies of T stage and N Stage.