Compound 1 Compound 2 Compound 3
Neutrophil Inhibitiona EC50 (95% CI) 401 ng/ml (83 – 1928) 94 ng/ml (24 - 400) 1062 ng/ml (379 – 2970)
Plasma Insulin Elevationa EC50 (95% CI) 6648 ng/ml (3379 – 13082) 1220 ng/ml (585 – 2546) 2027 ng/ml (929 – 4421)
Neutrophil vs Insulin therapeutic indexb 16.6 13.0 1.9
Blood Glucose Elevationa EC50 (95% CI) 19641 ng/ml (13541 – 28490) 2649 ng/ml (1438 – 4879) 13847 ng/ml (11992 – 15989)
Neutrophil vs Glucose therapeutic indexb 49.0 28.2 13.0
aEC50 values calculated from plotting individual curves for neutrophil inhibition, glucose and insulin endpoints against the individual plasma concentrations of each compound for each of 54 animals (9 dose groups of n=6).
bTherapeutic index values calculated by dividing the EC50 value for glucose or insulin endpoints by the EC50 value for neutrophil inhibition endpoint
Table 5: Calculated EC50 values for the inhibition of LPS-elicited neutrophilia and changes in plasma insulin and blood glucose following treatment with compounds 1, 2 and 3 and calculated therapeutic index for each compound.