Figure 5: Effect of curcumin on expression of NFκB protein in the lungs of rats exposed to hypoxia Western blot analysis of (a) upstream activating kinases IKKαβ (b) inhibitory proteins IKBβ (c) NFκB protein expression and (d) NFκB–DNA binding activity. The observed increase in NFkB expression levels (nearly 7 fold) and NFkB –DNA binding activity (5.4 fold increase) under hypoxia was significantly down regulated by curcumin treatment. The arrow indicates position of NFκB and free probe. Up regulated protein expression of both IKK-αβ and IKB β levels under hypoxia were significantly down regulated by curcumin treatment. The densitometry analyses were represented below their respective analyses. Values are mean ± SD (n=6). aP < 0.001 compared with Normoxia (0 h) group. bP < 0.001 compared with hypoxia (6 h) group. N=Normoxia, H=Hypoxia, Cur=curcumin.