Figure 10: Immunohistochemical expression of (a) HIF1-α and (b) VEGF in lungs of rats, exposed to hypobaric hypoxia at 7620 m for 6 h. It is noticed that, hypoxia exposure (6 h) resulted into significant increased in transcriptional factor HIF1-α and its effecter vascular dilator VEGF in rat pulmonary tissue upon hypoxia exposure, indicating the increased permeability pulmonary edema. However, prior treatment of rats with curcumin and exposed to hypoxia resulted into stabilized HIF 1-α and reduced VEGF levels which might have led to a significant decrease in pulmonary edema in lungs. The figure is representative of at least 3-5 animals from each group. The signals were detected by DAB staining. Magnification: 40X.