n %
Type of images (n=44)    
Alveolar consolidations 25 57
Ground glass opacities 17 39
Alveolar nodules 10 23
Pseudotumoral consolidations 6 14
Linear opacities 6 14
Mediastinaladenopathies 4 9
Cavity images 2 5
Pleural effusions 2 5
Site of opacities (n=38)*    
Bilateral involvement 30 79
Right lung 34 89
Upper lobe 15 39
Middle lobe 31 89
Lower lobe 31 82
Left lung 36 95
Superior segment of upper lobe 8 21
Lingula 18 47
Lower lobe 32 85
CT scan appearances (n=31)**    
Declivity 23 74
Low density (CT angiogram sign) 22(13) 71
Sparing of the periphery 16 52
Retractile nature 7 23
*Six cases only had an anteroposterior (AP) chest radiograph; **The nature of images was evaluated on 31 CT scans. CT: Computer Tomography; Declivity: Predominant in the posterior and lower zones of the lobes concerned.
Table 1: Lists of CT scan imaging features on a sample of 44 patients affected by ELP.