Attribute Levels
Maintenance treatment Only short acting bronchodilator [1] Only long acting bronchodilator [2] Corticosteroid plus long acting bronchodilatator in combi inhalers [3] Corticosteroid plus long acting bronchodilatator in saperate inhalers [4]
Reliever inhaler Separate inhaler [1] Same as maintenance [2]
Time to onset, reliever Within 3 minute [1] 10-15 minute [2]
Duration of reliever 3-6 hour [1] 12 hour [2]
Symptom free days per mounth  <10 days [1] 10-14 days [2] 15-20 days [3] >20 days [4]
Treatment cots per mounth (TL) 20 [1] 40 [2] 60 [3] 80 [4]
Table 2: Attribute levels used in the conjoint analysis questionnaire.