Maintenance Reliever   No % 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
No Treatment No Treatment 0 7 100 2     5          
SAB SAB 1                      
SAB LAB 2                      
LAB SAB 3 1 100       1          
LAB LAB 4 2 50       1     1    
Corticosteroid plus LAB SAB 5 4 100       4          
Corticosteroid plus LAB LAB 6 14 100       5 1   5   3
Combination SAB 7 2 50       1     1    
Combination LAB 8 8 100       5   1 2    
Combination Combination 9 8 100 1     5     2    
        70% 6% 0% 0% 58% 2% 2% 23%   6%
      46   3 0 0 27 1 1 11   3
SAB: Short-acting bronchodilatator.
LAB: Long-acting bronchodilatator (long-acting b2-agonists or long-acting muscarinic antagonist).
Combination: Corticosteroid plus long acting bronchodilatator in combi inhalers.
Corticosteroid plus LAB: Corticosteroid plus long acting bronchodilatator in saperate inhalers.
Table 5: Patients by current treatment, the analysis of switching behavior from current treatment to best treatment according conjoint data.