Treatment Difference (Sildenafil – Placebo)
Statistic Sildenafil Low Dose Sildenafil Medium Dose Sildenafil High Dose Sildenafil Combined Dose
Mean PAP (mmHg) n=39 n=55 n=71 n=165
 Mean difference ±SE 1.6±3.1 –3.5±2.7 –7.3±2.6 –3.1±2.2
 95% CI –4.5, 7.6 –8.9, 1.9 –12.4, –2.1 –7.5, 1.3
 P value* 0.610 0.199 0.006 0.172
PVRI (Wood units•m2) n=37 n=51 n=68 n=156
 Ratio 0.982 0.819 0.727 0.836
 95% CI 0.802, 1.203 0.684, 0.981 0.612, 0.863 0.720, 0.971
 P value* 0.859 0.031 <0.001 0.019
Cardiac index (L/min/m2) n=37 n=51 n=69 n=157
Ratio 1.100 1.043 1.148 1.096
95% CI 0.963, 1.258 0.925, 1.176 1.026, 1.286 0.994, 1.210
P value* 0.161 0.486 0.017 0.066
CI=confidence interval; PVRI=pulmonary vascular resistance index; PAP=pulmonary artery pressure; STARTS-1=Sildenafil in Treatment-Naïve Children, Aged 1 to 17
Years, With Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension.
*With the exception of the primary comparison, P values should be interpreted descriptively because no adjustments were made for multiple comparisons.
Because PVRI and cardiac index data were log-transformed before analysis, comparisons are presented as ratios (active/placebo) when back-transformed.
N=56, 52 and 55 for the placebo group for mean PAP, PVRI, and cardiac index, respectively.
Table 2: Placebo-Corrected Change in Hemodynamic Outcomes Between Baseline and End of Double-Blind Treatment in STARTS-1.