Topological parameter Value
Connected components 17
Number of nodes 149
Number of edges 157
Clustering coefficient 0.011
Network diameter 19
Shortest paths 2583 (11%)
Characteristic path length 6.364
Averaged number of neighbours 2.081
In-degree distribution  
γ -2.051
r 0.999
R2 0.926
Out-degree distribution  
γ -2.413
r 0.995
R2 0.874
Avg. Clustering Coefficient Distribution  
γ 1.012
r 0.395
R2 0.389
The value of connected components measures the number of networks obtained; the number of nodes represent the total number of molecules involved; the number of edges represents the total number of interaction found; the clustering coefficient is calculated as CI = 2nI / k(k −1) , where nI is the number of links connecting the kI neighbours of node I to each other; the network diameter is the largest distance between two nodes; shortest paths is the measure of the number (and percentage) of shortest path within the network; the Averaged n° neighbours represent the mean number of connection of each node; the Char. path length gives the expected distance between two connected nodes; γ represent the exponent of power law y = ax, r is the correlation coefficient, R2 the coefficient of determination of power law.
Table 3: Main topological parameters of human spermatozoa capacitation after removal of [Ca2+]i and APT/ADP system.