Measurement Binocular Condition Monocular Condition P Value 
PD (mm) 3.973  ± 0.698 5.059  ± 0.933 < 0.001
Computed wavefront aberration (um)      
Total aberration 2.962  ± 3.916 3.294  ± 6.476 < 0.001
Total higher order aberration 0.164  ± 0.114 0.322  ± 0.247 < 0.001
Coma-like abarration 0.125  ± 0.051 0.252  ± 0.181 < 0.001
Spherical-like aberration 0.092  ± 0.115 0.178  ± 0.193 < 0.001
Data are expressed as mean ± standard deviation
PD=pupil diameter
Table 1: Mean Pupil Diameters and Wave front Aberrations under the Binocular and the Monocular Conditions.