Characteristic Participant Count (N=5664) Percentage
Under 35 560 10%
35-45 1240 22%
45-55 1409 25%
55-65 1109 20%
Over 65 1048 19%
Unknown 298 5%
Up to and including high school diploma 1311 23%
Some college or Associate Degree 1615 29%
Bachelor Degree 1200 21%
Graduate Degree 888 16%
Unknown 709 13%
Caucasian American 3799 67%
African American 1082 19%
Hispanic 191 3%
Asian 156 3%
Other 99 2%
Unknown 337 6%
Body Mass Index (BMI)    
Underweight - BMI <20 kg/m2 265 5%
Normal - 20kg/m2≤BMI<25kg/m2 1831 32%
Overweight - 25kg/m2≤BMI<30kg/m2 1649 29%
Obese - BMI≥30 kg/m2 1463 26%
Unknown 456 8%
Benign 1734 31%
Atypical 138 2%
In Situ 368 6%
Invasive 1651 29%
Malignant/Malignant NOS 12 <1%
No Pathology Report 1816 32%
Table 1: Study Population Characteristics.