Variable name
G0+ G1+ G0% G1% Ratio Ratio
1 menopaus 147125 5236 83.77 83.46 1
2 agegrp 175629 6274 100 100 1
3 density 175629 6274 100 100 1
4 race 175629 6274 100 100 1
5 Hispanic 77106 1727 43.9 27.53 0.63
6 bmi 175629 6274 100 100 1
7 nrelbc 66595 2073 37.92 33.04 0.87
8 brstproc 68697 2220 39.11 35.38 0.9
9 lastmamm 76854 2564 43.76 40.87 0.93
10 surgmeno 119062 4061 67.79 64.73 0.95
11 hrt 112720 4147 64.18 66.1 1.03
12 invasive 0 4912 0 78.29 25
Table 2: Diagnosis of invasive carcinoma in situ breast cancer within one year of the index screening mammogram