S.no CVA modules MCMichelson Contrast Letter Letterluminancecd/m2 Background luminance cd/m2 Test simulates
1 CVA98% Mes. 98% White 220 1.6 Mesopic – high contrast
2 CVA25% Mes. 25% Grey 8.4 5 Mesopic – restaurant dining
3 CVA50% Mes. 50% Grey 4.8 1.6 Mesopic – driving at dusk
4 CVA98% Pho. 98% Black 1.6 220 Photopic –high contrast
5 CVA10% Glare 10% Grey 180 220 Photopic glare–sun over head
6 CVA8% Glare 8% Grey 186 220 Photopic glare –sun 15° off-axis
Tables 1a: The order of a) CVA module testing