Men (n=1524) Women (n=213) P value Age<60 (n=452) Age≥60 (n=1285) P value
Test Resultsa            
IFOBT 128(8.4) 11(5.2) 0.103 31(6.9) 108(8.4) 0.297
TF 153(10.0) 31(14.6) 0.045 46(10.2) 138(10.7) 0.738
BOTH 65(4.3) 7(3.3) 0.502 15(3.3) 57(4.4) 0.305
EITHER 216(14.2) 35(16.4) 0.380 62(13.7) 189(14.7) 0.606
IFOBT 102(79.7) 7(63.6) 0.214 15(48.4) 94(87.0) 0.000
TF 125(81.7) 18(58.1) 0.004 29(63.0) 114(82.6) 0.006
BOTH 54(83.1) 5(71.4) 0.446 7(46.7) 52(91.2) 0.000
EITHER 173(80.1) 20(57.1) 0.003 37(59.7) 156(82.5) 0.000
Detection ratec            
All advanced adenomas and cancer            
IFOBT 27(1.8) 1(0.5) 0.158 1(0.2) 27(2.1) 0.006
TF 30(2.0) 1(0.5) 0.122 4(0.9) 27(2.1) 0.093
BOTH 12(0.8) 1(0.5) 0.614 1(0.2) 12(0.9) 0.131
EITHER 45(3.0) 1(0.5) 0.034 4(0.9) 42(3.3) 0.007
aRates are the number of positive patients relative to the number of participants per group. bRates are the number of colonoscoped patients relative to the number of positive patients per group. cDetection rate per protocol is the percentage of persons with lesions relative to the number of participants per group.
Table 2: Results of tests and subsequent colonoscopic findings in asymptomatic population stratified by gender and age, n(%).