MRI Study #1 #2 #3 #1 #2 #3
AUC 0.620 0.729 0.807 0.661 0.711 0.707
threshold 311 247 123 311 247 123
Below threshold vs. Above threshold 89.7% vs. 75.6% 94.1% vs. 62.1% 95.7% vs. 63.6% 76.9% vs. 51.2% 80.4% vs. 34.5% 78.7% vs. 42.4%
p value (Kaplan-Meier) 0.045 7.7E-5 7.1E-5 0.025 1.1E-5 3.7E-4
Table 2: Correlation of the number of at-risk voxels with treatment outcome.