Stage No. of patients No. of Males DAPK1 methylation No methyltion No. of females DAPK1 methylation No. methylation p value
Chronic phase 81 49 14 (28.5%) 35 (71.5%) 32 10 (31.25%) 22(68.7%) <0.003
Accelerated phase 54 35 20 (57.1%) 15(42.9%) 19 6 (31.5%) 13(68.5%)
Blast phase 65 44 32 (72.7%) 12 (27.3%) 21 9 (42.8%) 13(47.2%)
Total 200 128 66 (51.5%) 62 (48.5%) 72 25 (34.7%) 47(64.3%)
Table 5: DAPK1 methylation with respect to gender in stages of CML.