Al-Muhanna K

Al-Muhanna K

Materials Science Laboratory, Department of Advanced Systems, KISR, P.O.Box 24885 Safat, 1319 Kuwait

Al-Muhanna K is currently working at Materials Science Laboratory, Department of Advanced Systems, KISR,Kuwait.He has a publication over articles on Structures and Properties of Oxide Barrier-Film of Anodized Aluminum by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy at the Nano-metere Scale and Detection of crevice corrosion of metallic alloys by optical interferometry and Marine bio-fouling of different alloys exposed to continuous flowing fresh seawater by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy.He is the Editor-in Chief/Editorial Board Member of many peer reviewed journals and his area of expertise credits him with many publications in national and international journals.
Research Interest
Intermetallics; Surface treatments; Anodized Al-Mg alloy; Thin films; Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS); and Electrical properties.