Journal of Neurology & Neurophysiology

ISSN - 2155-9562

Leslie Manace Brenman

Leslie Manace Brenman

Leslie Manace Brenman Kaiser Permanente Oakland Medical Center Oakland, California, USA


Leslie MB, joined the Genetics Department at Kaiser Oakland Medical Center in 2009 and thrilled to contribute to the outstanding, collaborative genetics care that our department provides. She became interested in genetics in college, and subsequently completed a masters at the University of Cambridge in molecular (or laboratory) genetics. The genetics of human disease captured her attention throughout medical school at Mount Sinai in New York, and she continued there in a combined residency program incorporating pediatrics, adult medicine and the clinical and laboratory sides of medical genetics. 

Research Interest

Research interest is in our growing understanding of how genes across all of our DNA—our genome—interact with each other or environmental factors and influence health. This new branch of genetics is called genomic or personalized medicine: the use of genetic information to better predict and prevent disease and to select more effective treatments on an individual basis. You can learn more about genomic medicine at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's website.

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