Journal of Horticulture

Journal of Horticulture
Open Access

ISSN: 2376-0354


Mekonen M

Mekonen M

Mekonen M Researcher Agricultural Science Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR) Ethiopia

Mekonen M was born in North Wollo Kobo Robit in April 1982. He completed his elementary school at Robit Elementary School in 1999, junior secondary school at Kobo Secondary School in 2001, and preparatory school at Woldya Preparatory School in 2003. He joined Haramaya University in September 2004 and graduated with Bachelor of Science in Plant Sciences in July 2006. After graduation, he was employed by the Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR), and worked as junior researcher I and II in plant protection at Pawe Agricultural Research Center (PARC) until he joined the School of Graduate Studies of Haramay University in October 2010 to pursue his MSc in Plant Pathology. After he have got his MSc in plant pathology in 2013 he was working as plant pathologist at Pawe Research Center until October 2014 and currently he is working as cereal pathologist particularly on sorghum diseases in the Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR), Melkassa Research Center.
Research Interest

Plant protection
Plant pathology
Plant science

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