Pooja Bhattacharya

Pooja Bhattacharya
Institute of Mathematics and Application,
Bhubaneswar, Odisa

  • Short Communication
    What causes Large Price Changes? Financial Engineering Perspective
    Author(s): Pooja BhattacharyaPooja Bhattacharya

    As if characterless, the stock market prices behave atypically. They cause loss and profits and because all regulatory measures. In-spite of more than a century of mental-storming large price changes is noted having idiopathic genesis. And, large price changes normally mean profit. The cause (large price changes) have been studies and ‘gaps’ have been identified in the case of the London Stock Exchange (LSE). In large exchanges ‘market order’ and ‘limit orders’ are ever present resulting in ‘gaps’. Gaps=robust trading=more employment=better economy. This transaction provides a nascent (numerical) and 1st time original attempt as to how to engineer ‘gaps’. .. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2472-114X.1000172

    Abstract PDF