Sahoo G

Sahoo G


  • Research Article
    Hypoglycemic Effects of Insoluble Fiber Rich Fraction of Different Cereals and Millets
    Author(s): Bisoi PC, Sahoo G, Mishra SK, Das C and Das KLBisoi PC, Sahoo G, Mishra SK, Das C and Das KL

    Dietary fibers are important for their hypoglycemic effect, hypolipidemic effect; lowering serum cholesterol hence helps in prevention of atherosclerosis, antitoxic effect and anti-cancerous effect. It also helps in control of gastro intestinal disorders like gall stone, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, inflammatory bowel disease etc. Beneficial effects of cereal fibers are frequently discussed in the context of whole grain consumption; unrefined whole grains and bran products are highly complex substances containing both soluble and insoluble dietary fiber as well as other biologically active substances e.g. polyphenols, antioxidants, vitamins, trace minerals, phytoestrogens, lipids, proteins, and starch. Research on minor millets and its food value is in its infancy and its potential vastly untapped. So the present study was undertaken to evaluate the in-vitro hypoglycemic ef.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2157-7110.1000191

    Abstract PDF