Subhashish Das

  • Research Article
    A Review of Blood Transfusion Requests in Rl Jalappa Hospital and Research Centre for Blood and Blood Components
    Author(s): Venkatachalapathy TS and Subhashish DasVenkatachalapathy TS and Subhashish Das

    Predetermined transfusion guidelines, pretransfusion approval, and transfusion audits are useful tools in the education of those ordering blood components, potentially resulting in the reduction of inappropriate use of blood components. In spite of advice by the blood bank physician, blood components released based on the demand of the ordering physician, which was deemed as inappropriate transfusions. The present study was conducted upon 1694 episodes of transfusion units for different blood components over a period of 3 months from November 2011 to January 2012. Of the total 1694 transfusion episodes in 920 requests for 796 patients. 124 patients had multiple requests. 208 males and 588 were females. Single unit requisitions were 456, and two unit requisitions were 354, and 3 or more unit requisition in 110 requests. 222 requests contained > 10 gms% as indication, 330 requests ha.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2155-9864.1000119

    Abstract PDF