
Journal of Physiotherapy & Physical Rehabilitation

ISSN: 2573-0312

Open Access


Dr. D Y Patil College of Physiotherapy ,

  • Research Article
    Effect of Kinesiotape as an Adjunct to Oral Motor Therapy on Drooling in Children with Neurological Impairment
    Author(s): SwatiSwati

    Objective: To investigate whether application of kinesio taping as an adjunct to oral motor therapy is beneficial and time efficient in reducing drooling and enhancing mouth closure inspite of oral motor therapy alone and to investigate the social stigma associated with drooling.Background: As the child grows, the rate of drooling decreases due to the maturation of Oral Motor-Sensory functions and will lead saliva control. However, if the drooling continues after 4 years of age in the awake state is considered abnormal. Oral Motor Therapy includes active and passive exercises, and sensory stimulation. Kinesio tape in pediatrics is an emerging field with various studies conducted on its use in children with cerebral palsy in improving motor function and motor impairment.Materials and methods: Experimental trial in which 30 .. Read More»

    Abstract PDF

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