Poultry, Fisheries & Wildlife Sciences

Poultry, Fisheries & Wildlife Sciences
Open Access

ISSN: 2375-446X



A Retrospective Study of Poultry Diseases Diagnosed in Maiduguri, North-East, Nigeria

Arhyel G Balami, Ndahi JJ, Zaifada AU, Mustapha M, Jarafu DJ, Asogwa NT and Hajara S

A nine year (2004-2012) retrospective study of clinical records of poultry diseases presented to the poultry unit of the University of Maiduguri Veterinary Teaching Hospital (UMVTH) and the State Veterinary Hospital (SVH) Maiduguri, was conducted. Out of a total of 2,317 cases recorded, viral diseases accounted for 1461 (63.1%) cases, bacterial diseases were 580 (25%), parasitic diseases were 236 (10.2%) while 40 (1.7%) of the cases were noninfectious. Newcastle disease (ND) was the most recorded disease with 851 (36.7%) cases, followed by Infectious bursal disease (IBD) with 380 (16.4%) cases while helminthosis were the least recorded diseases with 11 (0.5%) cases and Marek’s disease was not recorded throughout the study period. Most diseases occurred during the rainy season (56.3%) when compared to dry season (43.7%). Years 2005 and 2009 recorded the lowest (167) and highest (592) occurrence of disease respectively. Poor management practices by the farmers in addition to lack of awareness on diagnostic laboratory services may be associated with the distribution pattern of cases recorded in the hospitals. Control and prevention strategies can only be successful after a careful assessment of each condition.
