
Natural Products Chemistry & Research

ISSN - 2329-6836


Isolation of Urosilic Acid from Knoxia corymbosa

Mrutyunjaya Rao R, Ramakrishna K, Suresh Babu K and Surya Kumar MV

Air-dried, milled leaves of Knoxia corymbosa (220 gm) were extracted repeatedly with dichloromethane. After removal of solvent in vacuo, the CH2Cl2-solvent residue was fractionated by using hexane and ethyl acetate solvents. After fractionation, all fractions are submitted for NMR spectroscopy. Out of all fractions interesting fractions are subjected to column chromatography, so that we isolated one pure compound as Ursolic acid which is a known compound as it is characterized by using reference data. This is the first time to be isolated the above compound from this species. Ursolic acid is a five-membered cyclic triterpenoid compound. A structure of the isolated compound has been assigned on the basis of their analytical data. By surveying the literature, we came to understand that the compound ursolic acid is a cyclic five-member triterpenoid first to be isolated from Knoxia corymbosa. And also, it is first time to isolate the above compound from this species Knoxia corymbosa.
