
Medical Illnesses among Chronic Psychiatric Inpatients in Taif Mental Hospital, Taif, Saudi Arabia

Jaber Sharaheeli and Randa Nooh

Background/Introduction: Chronic psychiatric inpatients are prone to various medical illnesses because there multiple risk factors to develop such illnesses. Diabetes mellitus, heart diseases and hypertension have particular significance.
This study aimed to assess the pattern of medical illnesses namely diabetes mellitus, heart diseases and hypertension among chronic psychiatric inpatients.
A cross-sectional study was conducted. This study collected data through a retrospective chart review. Epi-Info was used for data entry and analysis.
We analyzed 465 permanent (no plan for future discharge) psychiatric inpatients, 76.8% males, 89.2% of all patients fell within one age group of 41-50 years. 72.5% schizophrenics, 20.2% mentally retarded and 7.3% other psychiatric diagnoses. 30.1% had at least one associated medical comorbidity while Schizophrenia has the highest comorbidity (82.9%). The pattern of comorbidities among the population of psychiatric inpatients was: heart diseases (49.3%), hypertension (25%), and diabetes mellitus (25.7%).
Medical comorbidity was present among psychiatric inpatients in Taif mental hospital mainly in schizophrenics. Heart diseases are the commonest.