
Journal of Pediatric Neurology and Medicine

ISSN: 2472-100X

Open Access

Post Traumatic Intradiploic Leptomeningeal Cyst in a 2 Year Old Child


Karuna Tamrakar Karki*, Pramod K Chaudhary, Sunil Munakomi, Binod Bhattarai and Iype Cherian

Growth of post taumatic intradiploic leptomeningeal cyst following head trauma is one of the rare complications of skull fractures seen mainly in infancy and toddlers. It is characterized by progressive diastatic enlargement of the fracture line with progressively increasing pulsatile cystic mass filled with cerebrospinal fluid in diploic space. Herein, we report a case of 2 year old boy presented with huge soft, non-tender pulsatile growing mass on the frontal aspect 9 months after sustaining head injury. CT imaging delineated it as a post traumatic intradiploic leptomeningeal cyst in frontal bone secondary to superior sagittal suture diastasis. Cyst was meticulously excised from superior sagittal sinus followed by durocranioplasty.


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