Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dermatology Research

Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dermatology Research
Open Access

ISSN: 2155-9554

+44 1478 350008


Preventing and Salvaging the Converted Burn Using a Novel Oxygen Delivering Hydrogel, a Case Report and Subject Review

Ralph Almeleh

The bane of a thermal insult is its further progression from a partial thickness to a full thickness injury. Although complex, this phenomenon is orchestrated primarily through the union of unabated inflammation and inadequate tissue perfusion synergizing to effect further cellular destruction and necrosis. Several local and systemic factors have been implicated in this delayed assault on the wound, chief among them are desiccation, ischemia and infection. Understanding the pathogenesis and identifying causative agents would help prevent this process from transpiring, impacting not only treatment decisions but morbidity as well. We present such a case within this context, suggesting that the combination of a desiccating agent (benzalkonium chloride) and smoking resulted in the near total conversion of a deep mixed dermal burn. Furthermore, the author feels that a recently developed oxygen delivering hydrogel (Ozeion) could not only have prevented this condition from progressing but was instrumental in its subsequent reversion, as well as the timely reconstitution of the burnt skin’s surface.
