
Studies on Standardization of Enzyme Concentration and Process for Extraction of Tamarind Pulp, Variety Ajanta

Joshi AA, Kshirsagar RB and Sawate AR

The tamarind of Ajanta variety was used for the study. The experiment was conducted to standardize the concentration of enzyme i.e. Biotropicase L and the process for extraction of tamarind pulp and evaluate their chemical qualities. Four methods of extraction i.e. hot enzymatic, cold enzymatic, hot and cold extraction were used for extraction of pulp. Hot enzymatic extraction method gave the highest recovery of pulp but for suitability and availability of enzyme hot extraction method (flesh: water, 1:2, heating at 70°C for 10 minutes and soaking for 6 hours) was used for extraction of pulp from tamarind flesh. Among the different extraction methods the hot enzymatic extraction method yielded the highest pulp 92.4 per cent at 0.5 per cent concentration of enzyme in Ajanta while 1.5 per cent concentration of enzyme was given the highest recovery of pulp in case of Thailand and local market tamarind respectively than the cold enzymatic extraction method, Hot and cold extraction methods. Moreover the TSS of the extracted pulp was also higher in the hot enzymatic extraction method proved the Ajanta variety to be most promising sweet tamarind suitable for processing in to different commercial value added products.