Determinant factors of dental caries in Ethiopian military personnel
4th Asia Pacific Congress & Expo on Dental and Oral Health
July 27-29, 2015 Brisbane, Australia

Hone Anagaw

Posters-Accepted Abstracts: Oral Health Dent Manag


Background: A military based case-control study was conducted from December, 2011 to February, 2012 among Core 105 Ethiopian Army found around Dessie, to assess socio-demographic and lifestyle determinants of dental caries and to review knowledge and practices towards oral health among cases and controls of dental caries in military personnel. Methods: The study population was selected using multi-stage sampling technique, comprising stratification and simple random sampling technique. Dental examination was undertaken to identify cases and controls of dental caries. Once cases and controls were identified, a semi-structured and self-administered core questionnaire was made Results: Oral hygiene practice was found to be lower among cases (57.0%) as compared to their controls (83.2%), and the differences were statistically significant after adjusting for other variables (OR=3.40, 95% CI, 2.30, 5.02), but there was no differences among cases andcontrols in using toothpaste, tattooing the gum and mouse rinsing practices. In this study, year of employment, grow riftvalley area, consumption of sweet food items, Khat chewing habit and presence of calculus, gingivitis and plaque in the oral cavity was significantly associated with dental caries. There was no significant difference between cases of dental caries and their controls in their knowledge towards oral health, age, rank, educational status, marital status, religion, ethnicity, diet, alcohol drinking, and cigarette smoking habits Conclusion and recommendation: Promotion of good oral hygiene practices In addition, initiation and strengthening of thescreening program for the new militaries are recommended to minimize cases of dental caries. The results of this study help the Health Command and other concerned bodies to design effective intervention and strategies to improve oral health of the militaries.