Food shelf life stability innovations in food science and technology
19th International Conference on Food Processing & Technology
October 23-25, 2017 | Paris, France

Ozlem Tokuoglu

Celal Bayar University, Turkey

Keynote: J Food Process Technol


Food shelf life stability provides a unique approach to understanding this critical subject by examining physical, chemical, and biochemical factors affecting food quality. The food sector and regulatory agencies are performing innovative technologies to provide safe and stable foods for public health. Nonthermal technologies including high hydrostatic pressure (HHP), pulse electrical fields (PEF) and ultrasound (US) successfully decontaminate, pasteurize, and potentially pursue commercial sterilization of selected foods while retaining fresh-like quality and excellent nutrient retention; and these technologies are preferred instead of classical preservation technologies; bio-actives has been enhanced. The effectiveness of antioxidants, emulsifiers, stabilizers, the utilizing of spray-drying technology for food powders, the preferring of irradiation, packaging in controlled atmospheres (MAP) can be affected the food shelf-life quality based on the food types.

Biography :

Ozlem Tokusoglu has completed her PhD at Ege University, Department of Food Engineering in 2001. She is currently working as an Associate Professor at Celal Bayar University, Department of Food Engineering. She was Visiting Scholar in Food Science and Nutrition Department at University of Florida, USA during 1999-2000 and as Visiting Professor at the School of Food Science, Washington State University, Washington, USA during April-May 2010. She has published many papers in peer reviewed journals and serving as an Editorial Board Member of selected journals. She has published two international book entitled Fruit and Cereal Bioactives: Chemistry, Sources and Applications; Improved Food Quality with Novel Food Processing and; Food By-Product Based Functional Food Powders is in progress. She also published two national books entitled Cacao and Chocolate Science and Technology and Special Fruit Olive: Chemistry, Quality and Technology. She has organized and/or administered as Conference Chair at many conferences and congress in various parts of USA and Europe.