Linezolid overcame resistance to tosufloxacin in a patient with cystitis
6th International Congress on Bacteriology & Infectious Diseases
May 21-22, 2018 | New York, USA

Hyonok Yoon, Hyongsuk Kim and Eun Joo Choi

Gyeongsang National University, Republic of Korea
Department of Electronics Engineering, Chonbuk National University, Repubic of Korea
College of Pharmacy, Chosun University, Republic of Korea

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Bacteriol Parasitol


We report the effects of linezolid in patient with muscle-invasive bladder cancer who underwent neobladder surgery. He took Tosufloxacin tosylate 150 mg tablet TID for one week when he was diagnosed with a bladder infection. His WBC levels did not decrease significantly after 1 week of Tosufloxacin tosylate administration. Therefore, he took the medicine for another week. A week later, he checked his bacteriological condition through his urine, and his urine still had more than 103 cfu / mL of bacteria. Thus, tosufloxacin was considered to be at risk for resistance to the patient. His medication was replaced by linozolid 600 mg tablet BID. After one week of administration of linezolid, urine was checked to see the bacterial cells. Finally the bacterial cells showed significant decrease and returned to normal range.

Biography :

Hyonok Yoon has completed her Pharm.D from Howard University where it is located in Washington D.C and finished her master degree from Chonbuk National University, School of Medicine, Republic of Korea. She received the training program of intern pharmacist in Kaiser Permanente Hospital, Oakland and Richmond in U S A. She is an associate professor of Pharmacy school, Gyeongsang National University in Republic of Korea. She has published more than 30 papers in reputed journals and is serving as a member of repute societies such American Society of Consultant Pharmacists and American Pharmacist Association.