Smart regulation therapies challenges and opportunities: In future pharma industries
Conference Series LLC Joint International Event on 7th Pharmacovigilance & Pharmaceutical Industry
August 22-24, 2016 Vienna, Austria

Sugapriya Dhanasekaran

Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, KSA

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Pharmacovigil


Research and development of therapeutic drugs are varying on both regulatory and scientific grounds. The regulatory framework desires to retain pace by fine-tuning its rules and paying attention to strengthen harmonization and competitiveness. These new insights have provided to develop communication amongst all research centers, pharmaceutical industry, stakeholders, and healthcare professionals. Present-day, the expensive, prolonged and challenging measure of the drug regulatory system is supporting the immutable dominance of the pharma industries. Unique products and technologies that may interrupt conventional strategy of big pharma industries, such as smart drug delivery system and stem cells, is a challenging task for the smaller enterprises. Furthermore, the following regulatory guidelines may pave the way for the life sciences like: 1) Innovation strategies are critical while constructing and reconstructing the smart regulatory system for novel drugs; it has transformative impact on specific industry sector. 2) Regulatory modification differs from unexpected consequences in each area and make attentive of potential beneficial product and developmental processes within the broader innovation networks. 3) It will support the innovation strategies and provide sufficient discrimination among the novel products and will definitely disturb the speed of the regulation impact. 4) The suitability of its process or product discrimination will regulate its efficiency in guiding development of product in appropriate directions. 5) Finally smart regulatory products are most suitable for novel and new innovative technology. Furthermore, it must fulfill the efficacy of delivering, estimated standards of safety, more manageable product development strategy and potential marketing tricks for smaller developing industry sectors.

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