Treatment of xerostomia
3rd Euro Congress and Expo on Dental & Oral Health
June 16-18, 2015 Alicante, Spain

P Lopez Jornet

Keynote: Oral Health Dent Manag


Objectives: Specific toothpaste and mouthwash for xerostomia based on triclosan, fluoride, and mineral salts were studied in order to evaluate their efficacy in improving the quality oflife as well as their In vitro antimicrobial action. Materials and methods: 30 patients with dry mouth and hyposalivation confirmed by sialometrywere included in a randomized, double-blind, crossover study, during two weeks foreach experimental phase. Dryness and oral comfort, difficulty in speaking, chewing,swallowing and using dental prostheses, as well as taste and sleep disorders were evaluated.Values of minimal biocidal and minimal inhibitory concentrations of both products againstmicroorganisms that often cause oral disorders in these patients were determined andcompared. Results: The use of the mouthwash and toothpaste studied improved the dry mouthsymptoms, whilst no significant differences when compared with the salivary enzymesubstitutes were observed. The test products showed, in general, a higher biocidal andinhibitory action than the control products, with particularly noteworthy action againstcariogenic bacteria. Conclusions: The use of a toothpaste and mouthwash based on triclosan, fluoride, gingivalrevitalizers and mineral salts, improves the quality of life of patients suffering xerostomia.

Biography :

Pia Lopez Jornet is the Head Professor and Chairman of General and Oral Medicine School of Medicine and Dentistry,University of Murcia Spain. Researcher of Different Oral Medicine in Europe Reviewer of Dental Journals, Graduated Medicine 1982, School of Medicine at the University of Valencia , 1986 Dentistry. In 1992, he defended his PhD thesis Univ. of Murcia Spain, Employed at the Department of Oral Medicine, School of Dental Medicine, Univ. of Murcia Spain since 1989. Professor, Consultant and Oral Medicine , School of Medicine and Dentistry, Murcia University. She was Director of the Stomatology Department (Murcia University.).Co-authored 140 papers indexed JCR. Her research focuses on oral medicine, special dental care, auto-immune diseases, Pia Lopez has (co) authored more than 170 peer-reviewed scientific publications and many books.