
Study of Physical and Chemical Parameters of Nahr Al Bared River, North Lebanon

Dunia Bouaoun and Rony Nabbout

In assessing the environmental status and detecting the signs of pollution during the dry season in Nahr al- Bared River, at the North of Lebanon, several parameters have been studied to detect physical-chemical pollution in this river. Surface water analysis was run monthly for a period of 7 months, from April till October 2015, along 7 stations (A1 to A7) that extend from Ras el Ain in the East, to Mediterranean Sea in the West. During this period, the temperature followed its normal cycle usually noted in the Lebanese coastal waters; salinity varied spatially and temporally presenting sometimes low or high values due to the river’s inputs or low level of water in the river. Significant fluctuations of ionic concentrations were observed in most of the stations and during the period of this study. High levels of calcium (156mg.L-1) were observed at stations located at station 6 in April. However, Magnesium concentrations were low in April and very high in all stations in August. High levels of sulfates (198.7 mg. L-1) were detected at station A4 in August. The high level of carbonates concentration at some stations has caused an important increase in the pH (from 7.2 to 9). Nitrate concentration changed in every station, 4.34 mg.L-1 to 9.3 mg.L-1 reacting with the man-made disturbance such as agricultural activities. Heavy metals concentrations have been under the limit, in accordance with the method of detection by atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Consequently, the values of physical-chemical parameters can be considered good indicators to assess the environmental status of the sites.