Neurogenetics | List of High Impact Articles | PPts | Journals | Videos

Alternative & Integrative Medicine

ISSN: 2327-5162

Open Access


Neurogenetics studies the part of hereditary qualities in the advancement and capacity of the sensory system. It considers neural qualities as phenotypes and is chiefly taking into account the perception that the sensory systems of people, even of those fitting in with the same species, may not be indistinguishable.

Neurogenetics cluster supports research of genes that cause neurological disorders; molecular mechanisms through which disease genes act; animal models and in vitro techniques for studying pathways of gene function; genetically-based studies of neuronal patterning, migration, connectivity, and cognitive/behavioral function; and the genetic basis of normal neural development and function.

Related Journals of Neurogenetics

Alternative Health Care Journals, Alternative Medicine Journals, Journal of Neurological Sciences, Journal of Neuroscience, Neurogenetics.

High Impact List of Articles
Conference Proceedings

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