S caffold   Cells
Natural   S ynthetic
TE area   Bioceramics Polymers S elf-assembling peptides
Bone Autologous grafts, Alginate, Chitosan, Collagen, Fibrin, Gelatin Hydroxyapatite PCL, PEG, PGA, PLA, PLG, PLGA RAD16-I Adipose Stem Cells, Bone M arrow Stem Cells
Articular Cartilage Alginate, Agarose, Chitosan, Collagen, Fibrin, Gelatin, Hyaluronan --- elastin-based polymers, PCL, PEG, PGA, PLA, PLGA,  polyurethane RAD16-I, KLD-12 Chondrocytes, Adipose Stem Cells, Bone M arrow Stem Cells
Heart Agarose, Alginate, Chitosan, Collagen, Elastin, Fibrin, Gelatin, Hyaluronan, Laminin, M atrigelTM, Platelet gel, Silk, Starch, Vitronectin --- PCL, PEG, PGA, PLA, PLGA, Polyesters, PPF RAD16-I Resident Cardiac Stem Cells, Cardiac M yocites, Skeletal M yoblasts, Embryonic Stem Cells, Bone M arrow Stem Cells, Adipose Stem Cells, Endothelial Pluripotent Cells, Umbilical Cord
Pancreas Agarose, Alginate, Collagen, Chitosan, Laminin, M atrigel --- Acrylonitrile copolymers, NIPA, PEG, PLA , PLGA, --- β-cells, Embryonic stem cells, Stem/Progenitor cells of the Ductal Epithelium, Adult Ductal or Acinar Cells, Bone M arrow Stem Cells, Hepatic Cells
Vasculature Agarose, Alginate, Chitosan, Collagen, Elastin, Fibrin, Gelatin, Hyaluronan, M atrigelTM Hydroxyapatite, Silica-based mocrospheres PEG PGA, PGLA, PLA, Polycarbonate, Polyethylene oxide, Polyester, Polypropylene oxide, Polyuretane RAD16-I Adipose-derived stem cells, Endothelial cells, M SCs, Smooth muscle cells
Cancer Alginate, Collagen, Gelatin, Hyaluronan, Laminin, M atrigel --- PEG, PLA, PLG, PLGA RAD16-I Tumoral Cells
Table 1: Cell sources and biomaterials used in different areas of Tissue Engineering.
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