Time of VAS measurement

     Group 0
     (n = 40)

    Group 1
      (n = 40)

      P value

T 0

5  (2)

0  (1)

˂ 0.01*

T 30

5  (2)

1  (3)

˂ 0.01*

T 1

4  (2)

1  (2)

˂ 0.01*

T 2

4  (1)

1  (2)

˂ 0.01*

T 6

4  (2)

0  (1)

˂ 0.01*

T 24

4  (1)

0  (1)

˂ 0.01*

VAS: Visual Analogue Scale
T0:   When regain consciousness
T30: 30 minutes postoperative
T1:   First hour postoperative
T2:   2 hours postoperative
T6:   6 hours postoperative
T24: 24 hours postoperative
 *Statistically significant

Table 4: Postoperative pain intensity measured with VAS at all times (Median & Range)

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