  1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Mad Cow Disease .732            
Bacteria in air conditioning .722            
Leakage from microwave ovens .714            
Amalgam and dental x-rays .669            
Drugs .668            
Contamination of water supply .642            
Bio-Terrorism .614            
Fluoridation of water supply .602            
Poor building ventilation              
Plane crash              
Vaccination programmes              
Medical side effects              
Antibiotic in food   .904          
Hormones in Food   .900          
Pesticide in food   .873          
Additives in food   .809          
Genetically modified food   .759          
Pesticide spray   .596          
Antibiotic Overuse   .558          
Toxic chemicals in household products              
Note: Table continued on the following page
Table 3a: Factor analytic results of MHW scale.
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