Untreated Treated
  Socioeconomic status   Socioeconomic status
All Low High All Low High
n=767 n=613 n=164 n=1666 n=967 n=699
Age, mean 52.2 years 53.1years 48.9years 56.2years 57.3years 55.6years
         Age 40-44 years 23.6 20.9 33.5 7.2 4.8 10.6
         Age 45-49 years 20.2 19.6 22.6 13.0 11.1 15.6
         Age 50-54 years 20.2 19.1 24.4 20.5 19.6 21.6
         Age 55-59 years 14.0 14.4 12.8 23.8 23.2 24.7
         Age 60-64 years 10.7 12.2 4.9 20.9 23.2 17.7
         Age 65-69 years 11.3 13.9 1.8 14.6 18.2 9.7
Educational level (years)            
         Primary education (0-9) 25.2 32.0 - 21.9 37.7 -
         High school  (10-12) 48.8 61.8 - 31.5 54.3 -
         University (13 +) 24.7 4.6 100.0 46.6 8.0 100.0
Income, NOK per year            
         0-99999 16.0 18.9 4.9 4.3 6.7 0.9
         100000-199999 29.0 34.6 7.9 17.4 26.5 4.9
         200000-399999 50.8 44.4 75.0 60.1 60.5 59.5
         400000-599999 3.6 2.0 9.8 15.2 5.7 28.5
         600000-999999 0.6 0.2 2.4 2.6 0.4 5.7
         1mill +   - - 0.4 0.2 0.6
Works more than 10 hours a week 73.1 65.9 100.0 83.9 72.2 100.0
Has partner (married or cohabitant) 77.9 79.1 73.2 79.9 79.2 80.8
Is member of organizations 57.9 54.5 70.7 68.3 65.3 72.5
Geographical health region            
         North 11.5 11.6 11.0 12.8 13.3 12.0
         Mid 16.1 16.0 16.5 13.3 13.4 13.2
         West 19.2 20.1 15.9 14.8 16.4 12.6
         South-East 53.3 52.4 56.7 59.1 56.8 62.2
Self-assessed health            
         Very good 34.1 30.0 49.4 17.8 14.7 22.2
         Good 42.9 43.9 39.0 43.3 43.6 42.8
         Neither good nor poor 16.5 18.3 9.8 30.0 31.9 27.3
         Poor 6.2 7.5 1.2 8.5 9.2 7.4
         Very poor 0.4 0.3 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.3
Table 1: Comparisons of the two populations according to individual characteristics. Numbers in percentage unless otherwise stated.
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