Variables Categories Frequency Percent (%)
College name HPTC 201 50.6
HTTC 101 25.4
HCHS 95 24.0
Class year First year 202 50.7
Second year 101 25.4
Third year 94 23.9
Sex Female 233 58.7
Male 164 41.3
Age 15-19 218 54.9
20-24 173 43.6
25-29 6 1.5
Previous Residence Urban 231 58.2
Rural 166 41.8
Marital status Single 363 91.4
Married 29 7.3
Divorced 5 1.3
Religion of respondent Protestant 244 61.5
Catholic 59 14.9
Orthodox 63 15.9
Muslim 31 7.8
Ethnicity of respondent Hadiya 233 58.7
Guraghe 53 13.4
Kembata 51 12.8
Silte 26 6.5
Wolaita 4 1.0
Others * 30 7.6
Monthly income ≤ 200 Eth.birr 179 45.1
201-300 Eth.birr 133 33.5
≥301 Eth.birr 85 21.4
With whom youcurrently live? With friends (rent house) 141 35.5
Alone (rent house) 129 32.5
With family 111 28.0
Others ** 16 4.0
*Amara, Oromo, Kafa, Sidama, Gedio, Sidama, Dewuro, Tigre, Alaba, **Uncles, aunts or blood relatives. HPTC- hosanna poly Technical College, HTTC- hosanna teachers training college, HCHS- Hosanna College of health sciences
Table 1: Socio- demographic characteristics of the respondents, Hosanna Colleges, Hadiya zone, South, Ethiopia, March 2012 (N= 397).
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