Domain Standards
Domain I: Organization  I-1: Organization has systemic and comprehensive human protection program
 I-2: Adequate resources exist for program implementation
 I-3: Transnational research activities are consistent across sites and respectful of local laws and cultural context
 I-4: There is adequate response to research participant concerns
 I-5: There are performance metrics and continuous process improvement
 I-6: Financial conflicts of interest are identified and managed to minimize impact
 I-7: There are policies and procedures governing use of investigational products
 I-8: There is collaboration with public, industry, and public stakeholders
Domain II: IRB or EC  II-1: Structure and composition of IRB/EC is appropriate to the amount and nature of the research reviewed
 II-2: IRB/EC evaluates each research protocol to ensure protection of participants
 II-3: Approved protocols abide by applicable laws and regulations
 II-4: Additional protection is provided to vulnerable research participants
 II-5: IRB/EC maintains documentation of its activities
Domain III: Researcher and research staff  III-1: Adherence to ethical principles and rights and welfare of research participants are primary concerns when designing study
 III-2: Researchers and staff meet all regulatory requirements and applicable laws
Adapted from: [60]
EC, ethics committee; IRB, institutional review board.
Table 3: AAHRPP Domains and Standards.
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