Affected Children Parents Brothers/Sisters Grand-parents Other Relatives Total% (N)
Total --- 28.7 (172) 34.5 (207) 15.7 (94) 3.8 (23) 17.3 (104) 100 (600)
Gender Female 39.0 (67) 56.5 (117) 51.1 (48) 60.9 (14) 57.7 (60) 51.0 (306)
  Male 61.0 (105) 43.5 (90) 48.9 (46) 39.1 (9) 42.3 (44) 49.0 (294)
Age 0-2 26.7 (46) --- 12.8 (12) --- 5.8 (6) 10.7 (64)
  17-Mar 61.6 (106) --- 77.6 (73) --- 24.0 (25) 34.0 (204)
  18+ 11.6 (20) 100 (207) 9.6 (9) 100 (23) 70.2 (73) 55.3 (332)
Lineage Maternal --- --- --- 52.2 (12) 68.1 (47) 61.4 (59)
  Paternal --- --- --- 47.8 (11) 31.9 (22) 35.9 (33)
DNA   94.2 (162) 87.9 (182) 77.7 (73) 100.0 (23) 90.4 (94) 89.0 (534)
Table 2: Family Position-grouping – Demographics of research participants and DNA banking
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