Code VR Good death isĀ  No.
0 I do not know 1
1 I do not think of death 24
2 There is no good death 8
3 Sudden and quick death 10
4 A bullet through the head 8
5 Natural death 6
6 Trip to heaven, mystery, holiness 30
7 Death without suffering, peaceful death 36
8 Death is an integral part of life 2
9 Death at a very old age, naturally 32
10 Continuing life 6
11 I love life 12
13 Death close to loved ones 8
14 Die happy, live life happy 8
15 Honourable death 4
16 Death at a young age 2
17 Life full of love and the end full of love 2
18 Success 2
19 Death in the moment of physical pleasure 4
20 Not leaving the family in debt 2
  T O T A L 220
Table 1: Classifying answers and defining absolute frequencies.
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