No. Question Statement True False
1 Patient medical information may not be disclosed to anyoneunless the individual signs a release of information form 77 (77.8%) 14 (14.1%)
2 Patient medical information may be disclosed to a thirdparty payor (insurance provider) 45 (45.5%) 43 (43.4%)
3 A big man in Kumasi is brought to the Accident andEmergency Centre with complications of HIV infection.You are allowed to tell your family at home about this bigman’s diagnosis? 4 (4.0%) 87 (87.9%)
4 A big man in Kumasi is brought to the Accident andEmergency Centre with malaria. You are allowed to tellyour family at home about this big man’s diagnosis. 8 (8.1%) 81 81.80%
Table 3: Confidentiality of patient information
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